Brampton Hockey Committees, News (Brampton Hockey Inc.)

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May 26, 2022 | Samantha Singh | 2088 views
Brampton Hockey Committees
Brampton Hockey Inc. currently has 10 Committees which assist in recommending and implementing all new ideas for the league. These committees meet on a regular basis.

It is at the committee level where the new ideas for the organization originate.  Each committee is represented on the Executive by a Vice-President who takes forward the recommendations of his/her committee.  Committees are made up of members of the Board of Directors and interested members of Brampton Hockey.  Email [email protected] if you are interested in serving on a committee. 

Among the list of committees are: 

Representative League
Recreational League
Hockey Development
Special Events
Risk Management
Gift of Giving Back
Marketing & Branding
Diversity & Inclusion

Committees usually meet once a month during the hockey season.  Contact information for our VP's can be found here
